Sunday, July 5, 2015


So quick post to let you all know that Ronald's Labs are all down now so visitors are limited to just about 5 needed individuals that are  involved in his care. We  are now into the waiting kinda phase where we wait on any infections he may get (Dr. says that with the type of Chemo he was given, internally born infections are most likely inevitable :( ) and he will be treated as needed with antibiotics, platelets and blood transfusions as needed! They don't expect his labs to climb back up for about 28 days... so we are so thankful for your love, support, fasting, prayers and faith in his behalf!!! Meanwhile, if you need any help with yard work, babysitting, etc feel free to call on our kids.... we love them to stay busier than even normal these days as they are not able to visit much either anymore! Free of charge , they serve everywhere as a team ...and it keeps their minds busy, and spirits serving.... usually a good formula for success for us!!! 
                                                Happy Sabbath to you all!

PS: let us know if you want to Skype Ronald... I am sure he would enjoy that from time to time as he feels well enough with such limited outside contact in his future ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping all in the loop. Fast day today and it was nice to fast together with my kids for this purpose! Love you all so much.
    Overton Jacobsmeyers
