UPDATE ON RONALD: Today brought another good day... Ronald needed 2 units of blood today but that is totally to be expected as the Chemo is definitely at work. Ronald is still feeling just fine.... kidneys back stable, great appetite still, energy real good and his spirits are great! Spending time doing some online medical work, studying Old Testament with me for my CES training, skyping with family and memorizing THE LIVING CHRIST!! Another Great Day!!
INVITATION: As this coming week is going to be a much more tender week for Ronald's health, due to the chemothrapy zeroing out all his levels and will be into the neutropenic stage (no immune system)for about 10-15 days... Ronald will be quite weak and not feeling well, but more of a concern is that during this time he will have a greatly heightened risk of infection and without an immune system to fight it off can cause serious complications AND also as the chemo appears to be killing the cells ,as it is supposed to, we really DO NOT want any cancer cells to develop as the new cells begin to come back slowly during this time. If they will stop producing long enough, Ronald will be able to move on to the next stage of necessary treatment!!
WITH ALL THAT SAID... we wanted to invite anyone that would like to , to join our family in a special fast this Sunday, for Ronald, as well as all others throughout this extraordinary hospital... that if able, that the most minimal amount of concern and complication occur during this time and that Ronald and other patients will have capacity within their organs, strength and overall spirits beyond their own and receive as much comfort possible during this time and during the months of treatment ahead!
We certainly are aware that we are definitely not the only family experiencing challenges, illness or in need of increased direction and strength, and so we only wish to invite you, as you may feel inspired to do so!! We also truly welcome you to let us know of any and all of your love ones that are also in need of anything from our family and would love to include them in our thoughts, prayers and fasting as well!! ... Our hope is that all
may know of the knowledge, as Elder Bednar reminded us, That
we are never alone in our pains, trials and challenges! Meanwhile.... WE LOVE YOU and are So very thankful we do not sojourn this mortal journey without you all by our sides!!
Have a marvelous weekend full of unlimited joy!!!!
just wanted to include a sweet picture that our "twins"
sent to us today..... from "Rylan's Mountain Retreat" (willard cemetary)
where they decorated Rylan's special spot for the holiday weekend with their Aunt Bonnie and Uncle David!
What a beautiful, peaceful and loving spot on this planet that once again reminded us that we are SOOO eternally grateful for our absolute knowledge of eternal families and the extraordinary tender mercy of feeling so united with and strengthened by our sweet missionaries , sweet Elder Rylan and darling Sister Selleka although physically apart... we feel so close! We are truly, truly blessed by their faithful service!!
Please know that you are in my prayers during this unexpected adventure. And it is wonderful to know that we are not alone. May Heavenly Father call on his angels to strengthen you and your family during this time of stretching and strengthening. Looks like you are taking every opportunity to make this a positive and life changing adventure and sharing your faith along the way. You and your family are in my prayers with much love Esta Elwell