Ronald Update:
Ronald continues to do fairly well.... he does continue to deal with some stomach pain, platelet and blood transfusions about every other day all of which are to be expected with this chemotherapy regimen. His E coli continues to be treated and looks as thought it is responding to the chosen treatment. He also has been continuing some heart palpitation irregularities for reasons that haven't been able to be specifically identify yet... possibly just residual from the chemotherapy agents or the infection but they are keeping a good eye on that and it does not seem to be concerning Ronald too much right now. This may not seem to correspond with the health category of "fairly well", but overall we are so grateful that Ronald is doing as we'll as he is as it could have been much more uncomfortable and worse so far with the Chemo they have had to use this time. Ronald continues to get up several time day for walks with me outside (masked and protected of course :-), talking about seminary lesson plans, sporting world updates, skyping with the kids, listening to books on CD, doing medicine CME, and is now half way through memorizing The Living Christ... so... he continues to be very alert, mentally active and VERY FUNNY. Ronald really wanted me to let you know how very thankful and touched our family is for all of the fasting, prayers, thoughts, texts and emails he has received for his wellbeing... he truly feels so blessed and feels very loved! We hope all is well with you and your families and would love to hear of anyway we can be of help for you.... we may not seem too available to help, support and contribute right now, but you would be surprised..... WE ARE!... so please let us know what you are all up to and may be in need of - We love you!!!!
You can email us anytime at or text us 423-736-2026/801-388-0060 (may not answer phone calls but will get all text sent)
Daily Devo:
I came across this quote by Elder Jeffery R. Holland this past week in some studies and it broadened my understanding and perspective in regards to how disappointing is must be to the Lord when we lose confidence in his abilities by allowing fear to override our trust in Him to direct our daily concerns and adventures...He has PROMISED to give us HIS peace, He keeps EVERY promise he makes... why do we forget that sometimes and allow ourselves to block access to that precious promise of peace?
"On that very night, the night of the greatest suffering the world has ever known or ever will know, the Savior said, 'Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.' President Holland continues.... "I submit to you that this maybe one of the Savior's commandments that is, even in the heart's of otherwise faithful LatterDay Saints, almost universally DISOBEYED; and yet I wonder whether our resistance to His invitation could be any more grievous to the Lord's merciful heart. In that same spirit, I am convinced that NONE of us can appreciate how deeply it wounds the loving heart of the Savior of the world when He finds that His people DO NOT feel confident in His care, secure in His hands, or Trust in his commandments."
This quote made even more of an impact on me when I thought how difficult it would be for me personally if any of my brothers, sisters, children, friends had challenges and concerns they were going through and when I tried to help they informed me that they felt they just could not trust me enough to help them and would rather suffer without my offered comfort and support..... I just haven't looked at 'giving fear more power than the Lord's peace' from that perspective before..... Thank's Elder Holland for informing me once again how it really is!... I am going to work on that for sure!!
Daily Chuckles:
“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.”
― Marjorie Pay Hinckley
(MAN!.. I love this lady!)
Why is England the wettest country?
Because the Queen has reigned there for years!
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