Just a quick shout out to my mother on her 30th birthday... (we go by how old one LOOKS on birthdays!!!) Always so fitting that my mom's birthday is on Pioneer Day since she truly is a pioneer as she was first generation in her family that traveled to the United States from Germany and had the opportunity of raising her family her. She ALWAYS has and ALWAYS will hold such a deep and tender love for this country. I am so thankful for her consistent reminder to me and our family how blessed we are to be recipients of precious this promised land! I love you mom!!
Ronald Update:
Ronald is is doing really well.... his numbers are not up yet but showing signs of creeping up there. I like the way the doctor put it yesterday.... "we're starting to ssee the first few robins of spring" ;-)
Ronald had his first 24 hours "arryhthimia/SVT FREE" yesterday!!! (so thankful for the fasting and prayers that continue to petition the Lord for whatever is possibly reserved for Ronald's health... thank you!!!!) Feeling a bit more energy, and appetite (although nothing really tastes too great because of the chemo residuals so any ideas would be great ;-) and his sense of humor and personality has risen again to the surface!! We're hoping and expecting to have his numbers and immune system back up and kicking by the first part of next week!!! He is scheduled for his bone marrow biopsy on the 28th and as long as the chemo did what was hoped for and expected then doctors want to move fairly swiftly in getting him prepped for transplant ASAP... possibly around August 6-ish!... If so he will only have about a week or so of feeling better before he is shut back down a bit for about 3 or so weeks...we will definitely keep you posted on how the next few week unfold!!! SOOO thankful to continue to be reminded that we are absolutely no alone in this adventure!! Thankful to have so many wanting to celebrate every simple success right along with us! On that note.......
Daily Devo:
So apparently, the Special Olympics World Games are being held in California beginning this
weekend! This of course holds a very a sweet spot in our hearts due to our darling son, Rylan.

In honor of all of us working toward celebrating every simple joy as well as all those officially participating in the World Games, I thought you may enjoy this JOYFUL short video of one demonstrating exactly what I was trying to express! ENJOY!!
Daily Chuckle:
What do you call a belt with a watch on it?
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