So Sorry I haven't kept the blog updated lately... we've had some really poor internet connection here at the hospital for some reason the past few days AND
I have had a few extra things to get to this past week so here it is...
Ronald is doing real well... no abnormal heart rhythms for about 6 days, all levels rising well. His ANC (which pretty much tell how functional his immune system is fluctuating between 300-500 and can't have his bone marrow biopsy until it reaches 1000 so.... we're just pretty much waiting for his system to kick back in so we can get that biopsy and see how clear he is!! They are pretty much set that if and when the results come back clear... cancer free....they want to move pretty quick to the transplant so there isn't time for any cancer cells to start producing again before the new marrow cells can get in and do their job!
We will certainly let you know when he is able to move ahead with the biopsy!!
Thank you SO much for your care , concern and interest in Ronald's health and our family's well being !!
We love you all and hope all is well with you!!
Join our family as we choose FAITH over FEAR and seek to find BLESSINGS in our TRIALS
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Friday, July 24, 2015
Just a quick shout out to my mother on her 30th birthday... (we go by how old one LOOKS on birthdays!!!) Always so fitting that my mom's birthday is on Pioneer Day since she truly is a pioneer as she was first generation in her family that traveled to the United States from Germany and had the opportunity of raising her family her. She ALWAYS has and ALWAYS will hold such a deep and tender love for this country. I am so thankful for her consistent reminder to me and our family how blessed we are to be recipients of precious this promised land! I love you mom!!
Ronald Update:
Ronald is is doing really well.... his numbers are not up yet but showing signs of creeping up there. I like the way the doctor put it yesterday.... "we're starting to ssee the first few robins of spring" ;-)
Ronald had his first 24 hours "arryhthimia/SVT FREE" yesterday!!! (so thankful for the fasting and prayers that continue to petition the Lord for whatever is possibly reserved for Ronald's health... thank you!!!!) Feeling a bit more energy, and appetite (although nothing really tastes too great because of the chemo residuals so any ideas would be great ;-) and his sense of humor and personality has risen again to the surface!! We're hoping and expecting to have his numbers and immune system back up and kicking by the first part of next week!!! He is scheduled for his bone marrow biopsy on the 28th and as long as the chemo did what was hoped for and expected then doctors want to move fairly swiftly in getting him prepped for transplant ASAP... possibly around August 6-ish!... If so he will only have about a week or so of feeling better before he is shut back down a bit for about 3 or so weeks...we will definitely keep you posted on how the next few week unfold!!! SOOO thankful to continue to be reminded that we are absolutely no alone in this adventure!! Thankful to have so many wanting to celebrate every simple success right along with us! On that note.......
Daily Devo:
So apparently, the Special Olympics World Games are being held in California beginning this
weekend! This of course holds a very a sweet spot in our hearts due to our darling son, Rylan.

In honor of all of us working toward celebrating every simple joy as well as all those officially participating in the World Games, I thought you may enjoy this JOYFUL short video of one demonstrating exactly what I was trying to express! ENJOY!!
Daily Chuckle:
What do you call a belt with a watch on it?
Monday, July 20, 2015
Michelle is my sister but probably more accurately described as an administering angel for countless individuals and families!! Throughout her lifetime she has been a person that would drop just about anything to come to the aid and comfort of those around her. Multiple family members have been blessed by her ability to help, support, succor and love us through extraordinary and somewhat overwhelming challenges!! I am sure we have no way of counting up all those that have been touched by her gifts of compassion, long suffering and selflessness!! Michelle, I know that no matter how hard we could try to be able to express and show you of our gratitude for your selfless life we would still fall short of what you deserve in return! We love you deeply, unconditionally and eternally!!
Ronald Update:
Everything is still about the same. (which we choose to feel is pretty great) He does continue to have irregular heart palpitations that continue to confuse the doctors a bit... they have changed medications today to see if that helps! He is on his 20th day after Chemotherapy and we are hoping and expecting for his counts to start rising by the end of this week, and then he can get a bone marrow biopsy to see how things are progressing!!
Although Ronald has still been holding on to his hair pretty well, it continues to fall out throughout the day and it has been driving Ronald crazy so to celebrate Michelle's Birthday we liberated Ronald a bit by having our "twins" ( actually pretend twins, Ryker and Syvanna) Shave his head.... they loved it and Ronald loved it!!! Ronald is one that still looks soo handsome even without a blade of hair!!
For today just thought to challenge all to atleast be reading The Living Christ and think about the life of our Savior Jesus Christ and the unmatched love and impact his life has on ours individually and as friends, family and humanity. We also invite any who would like to join Ronald in memorizing it to do so... he is currently starting this week on the first paragraph in the second column. I've posted a link to the document we're speaking of for those of you that do not have one.
What are three candies you can find in every classroom?
Nerds, Dum Dums and Smarties
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Ronald Update:
Ronald is still doing pretty well and is looking forward to the middle or so of next week when his immune system should start kickin back into it's own action! Meanwhile the doctors are still a bit perplexed as to why Ronald continues to have those SVT's (runs of reallllllllly rapid heart rate) and nightly fevers. None of the cultures they take are showing positive for any added infections and his Ecoli has seemed to be under control so it stands as a mystery why he is continuing these strange symptoms. We have felt the need from time to time in our family to pray more specifically for certain things so we have began to pray specifically that if possible Ronald's heart sustain a normal sinus rhythm and fevers are able to subside OR that the the physicians can zero in on the reason these symptoms are persisting so that we can more effectively treat them. It would be AWESOME if we can figure this out before his transplant is to happen so it doesn't need to add to any unnecessary complications!! Other than that we are grateful that Ronald has tolerated this aggressive treatment as well as he has and we are absolutely certain he is able to the degree he is because of the faith, prayers, support and extraordinary love he is receiving from awesome family, friends, and hundreds of missionaries throughout the word. We were SO touched to get word from some missionaries and families of those serving in Sister Selleka's Mission ( Pennsylvania,Philadelphia Mission) that they held a Mission Fast for Ronald! Just visualizing that army of righteous warriors fasting together for our wellbeing has been an enormous infusion of strength!! We feel so blessed!
Daily Devo:
So I thought that since we are focusing a bit today more on conditions of the HEART today it could be applicable to share a summary of the following talk I recently read: ( this thought is a bit lengthy so may want to wait until you have about 5 extra minutes or so, or even another day :-)
How do crazy people go through the forest?
They take the PSYCHO PATH !
Ronald is still doing pretty well and is looking forward to the middle or so of next week when his immune system should start kickin back into it's own action! Meanwhile the doctors are still a bit perplexed as to why Ronald continues to have those SVT's (runs of reallllllllly rapid heart rate) and nightly fevers. None of the cultures they take are showing positive for any added infections and his Ecoli has seemed to be under control so it stands as a mystery why he is continuing these strange symptoms. We have felt the need from time to time in our family to pray more specifically for certain things so we have began to pray specifically that if possible Ronald's heart sustain a normal sinus rhythm and fevers are able to subside OR that the the physicians can zero in on the reason these symptoms are persisting so that we can more effectively treat them. It would be AWESOME if we can figure this out before his transplant is to happen so it doesn't need to add to any unnecessary complications!! Other than that we are grateful that Ronald has tolerated this aggressive treatment as well as he has and we are absolutely certain he is able to the degree he is because of the faith, prayers, support and extraordinary love he is receiving from awesome family, friends, and hundreds of missionaries throughout the word. We were SO touched to get word from some missionaries and families of those serving in Sister Selleka's Mission ( Pennsylvania,Philadelphia Mission) that they held a Mission Fast for Ronald! Just visualizing that army of righteous warriors fasting together for our wellbeing has been an enormous infusion of strength!! We feel so blessed!
Daily Devo:
So I thought that since we are focusing a bit today more on conditions of the HEART today it could be applicable to share a summary of the following talk I recently read: ( this thought is a bit lengthy so may want to wait until you have about 5 extra minutes or so, or even another day :-)
There are some effective ways we can nurture a heart so that a testimony can take root and grow. If your home is a home where family members are loved unconditionally, regardless of behavior, then your home will have a spirit of warmth that will prepare the heart to receive the testimony of truth. Here are a few ways to help nurture hearts in ourselves and our homes.
First, look for the good in each person, and mention it in a sincere and consistent way. It is amazing how hearts can be softened, testimonies implanted, and relationships improved when we begin to give a daily portion of heartfelt appreciation.
Second, When marriage partners practice looking beyond the faults and failings of each other and peer into the deeper recesses of the heart, then we find a marvelous strengthening of marriage relationships.
Third, Another way of preparing the heart of someone is to create an atmosphere where judging is held in reserve until anger has subsided, until the hurt has dissipated, until all sides of an issue have been explored.
Fourth, As you develop your capacity to love unconditionally, remember that listening is a part of showing love.
If your home is a home where children are listened to, even when what they say doesn’t seem important or you don’t feel you have time, then you are preparing hearts. It is heartbreaking how criticism can wound children and diminish their self-esteem. Can we listen openly to a shocking experience without going into a state of shock ourselves, or without an immediate verbal overreaction? Remember, you can listen to understand, not necessarily to agree. Ofttimes we do our best teaching when we listen. Husband-and-wife relationships are nourished and strengthened as we listen to each other more. Hearts are softened.
(End of talk summary)
When thinking about preparing, nurturing, purifying and strengthening our hearts I love to remember the response the faithful people gave to King Benjamin after receiving his unforgettable council regarding improving the conditions of their hearts:
(Mosiah 5:1.) “Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually. …“And we are willing to enter into a covenant with our God to do his will, and to be obedient to his commandments.” (Mosiah 5; 2,5)
THAT is the attitude and focus that will nurture and create the most healthy hearts of all.... Whether it is a physical heart condition or a spiritual heart condition we are in need of improvement on, the answer and miracle of improvement will come through the very same source....The Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent!!
Let's all draw upon that in the days ahead as we desire all our Hearts to be in better condition!!!
We sure love you... WITH ALL OUR HEARTS!! ;-)
Daily Chuckle:
They take the PSYCHO PATH !
Thursday, July 16, 2015
SO.... to put kind of a visual on our last post as well as how we continue to try to visualize each new day (hopefully for all of us) I wanted to post a few pictures the one of the left my sister sent to us this week and it feels SO literal to us! Hopefully this is how we all can see the Savior's place in each of our lives in respect to any given circumstance we are finding ourselves in!
Although we may not physically see Him, He is there... He is absolutely, undoubtedly there!.. As well as smiling supporting angels all about us..if you look closer with your heart you can see them there!- This is not wishful , fantasy filled thinking... it is the reality of the Savior's matchless love in the details of our lives!!..This I know!
Although we may not physically see Him, He is there... He is absolutely, undoubtedly there!.. As well as smiling supporting angels all about us..if you look closer with your heart you can see them there!- This is not wishful , fantasy filled thinking... it is the reality of the Savior's matchless love in the details of our lives!!..This I know!
Ronald Update:
Ronald continues to do fairly well.... he does continue to deal with some stomach pain, platelet and blood transfusions about every other day all of which are to be expected with this chemotherapy regimen. His E coli continues to be treated and looks as thought it is responding to the chosen treatment. He also has been continuing some heart palpitation irregularities for reasons that haven't been able to be specifically identify yet... possibly just residual from the chemotherapy agents or the infection but they are keeping a good eye on that and it does not seem to be concerning Ronald too much right now. This may not seem to correspond with the health category of "fairly well", but overall we are so grateful that Ronald is doing as we'll as he is as it could have been much more uncomfortable and worse so far with the Chemo they have had to use this time. Ronald continues to get up several time day for walks with me outside (masked and protected of course :-), talking about seminary lesson plans, sporting world updates, skyping with the kids, listening to books on CD, doing medicine CME, and is now half way through memorizing The Living Christ... so... he continues to be very alert, mentally active and VERY FUNNY. Ronald really wanted me to let you know how very thankful and touched our family is for all of the fasting, prayers, thoughts, texts and emails he has received for his wellbeing... he truly feels so blessed and feels very loved! We hope all is well with you and your families and would love to hear of anyway we can be of help for you.... we may not seem too available to help, support and contribute right now, but you would be surprised..... WE ARE!... so please let us know what you are all up to and may be in need of - We love you!!!!
You can email us anytime at committed7@gmail.com or text us 423-736-2026/801-388-0060 (may not answer phone calls but will get all text sent)
Daily Devo:
I came across this quote by Elder Jeffery R. Holland this past week in some studies and it broadened my understanding and perspective in regards to how disappointing is must be to the Lord when we lose confidence in his abilities by allowing fear to override our trust in Him to direct our daily concerns and adventures...He has PROMISED to give us HIS peace, He keeps EVERY promise he makes... why do we forget that sometimes and allow ourselves to block access to that precious promise of peace?
"On that very night, the night of the greatest suffering the world has ever known or ever will know, the Savior said, 'Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.' President Holland continues.... "I submit to you that this maybe one of the Savior's commandments that is, even in the heart's of otherwise faithful LatterDay Saints, almost universally DISOBEYED; and yet I wonder whether our resistance to His invitation could be any more grievous to the Lord's merciful heart. In that same spirit, I am convinced that NONE of us can appreciate how deeply it wounds the loving heart of the Savior of the world when He finds that His people DO NOT feel confident in His care, secure in His hands, or Trust in his commandments."
This quote made even more of an impact on me when I thought how difficult it would be for me personally if any of my brothers, sisters, children, friends had challenges and concerns they were going through and when I tried to help they informed me that they felt they just could not trust me enough to help them and would rather suffer without my offered comfort and support..... I just haven't looked at 'giving fear more power than the Lord's peace' from that perspective before..... Thank's Elder Holland for informing me once again how it really is!... I am going to work on that for sure!!
Daily Chuckles:
“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.”
― Marjorie Pay Hinckley
(MAN!.. I love this lady!)
Why is England the wettest country?
Because the Queen has reigned there for years!
Ronald continues to do fairly well.... he does continue to deal with some stomach pain, platelet and blood transfusions about every other day all of which are to be expected with this chemotherapy regimen. His E coli continues to be treated and looks as thought it is responding to the chosen treatment. He also has been continuing some heart palpitation irregularities for reasons that haven't been able to be specifically identify yet... possibly just residual from the chemotherapy agents or the infection but they are keeping a good eye on that and it does not seem to be concerning Ronald too much right now. This may not seem to correspond with the health category of "fairly well", but overall we are so grateful that Ronald is doing as we'll as he is as it could have been much more uncomfortable and worse so far with the Chemo they have had to use this time. Ronald continues to get up several time day for walks with me outside (masked and protected of course :-), talking about seminary lesson plans, sporting world updates, skyping with the kids, listening to books on CD, doing medicine CME, and is now half way through memorizing The Living Christ... so... he continues to be very alert, mentally active and VERY FUNNY. Ronald really wanted me to let you know how very thankful and touched our family is for all of the fasting, prayers, thoughts, texts and emails he has received for his wellbeing... he truly feels so blessed and feels very loved! We hope all is well with you and your families and would love to hear of anyway we can be of help for you.... we may not seem too available to help, support and contribute right now, but you would be surprised..... WE ARE!... so please let us know what you are all up to and may be in need of - We love you!!!!
You can email us anytime at committed7@gmail.com or text us 423-736-2026/801-388-0060 (may not answer phone calls but will get all text sent)
Daily Devo:
I came across this quote by Elder Jeffery R. Holland this past week in some studies and it broadened my understanding and perspective in regards to how disappointing is must be to the Lord when we lose confidence in his abilities by allowing fear to override our trust in Him to direct our daily concerns and adventures...He has PROMISED to give us HIS peace, He keeps EVERY promise he makes... why do we forget that sometimes and allow ourselves to block access to that precious promise of peace?
"On that very night, the night of the greatest suffering the world has ever known or ever will know, the Savior said, 'Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.' President Holland continues.... "I submit to you that this maybe one of the Savior's commandments that is, even in the heart's of otherwise faithful LatterDay Saints, almost universally DISOBEYED; and yet I wonder whether our resistance to His invitation could be any more grievous to the Lord's merciful heart. In that same spirit, I am convinced that NONE of us can appreciate how deeply it wounds the loving heart of the Savior of the world when He finds that His people DO NOT feel confident in His care, secure in His hands, or Trust in his commandments."
This quote made even more of an impact on me when I thought how difficult it would be for me personally if any of my brothers, sisters, children, friends had challenges and concerns they were going through and when I tried to help they informed me that they felt they just could not trust me enough to help them and would rather suffer without my offered comfort and support..... I just haven't looked at 'giving fear more power than the Lord's peace' from that perspective before..... Thank's Elder Holland for informing me once again how it really is!... I am going to work on that for sure!!
Daily Chuckles:
“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.”
― Marjorie Pay Hinckley
(MAN!.. I love this lady!)
Why is England the wettest country?
Because the Queen has reigned there for years!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Ronald Update:
Ronald seems to be doing good- found the right antibiotic for his infection yesterday and temperatures, blood pressures and labs are doing much better. He is experiencing times of STV's (racing heart rate) which they are keeping an eye on. Other than that still waiting and watching and enjoying spending time with my personal super hero!
Daily Devo:
...On that note we've decided to include a daily joke (courtesy of my Uncle David who has sent us a joke daily while in the hospital since Ronald was first diagnosed with cancer.... we have LOVED it and felt it was certainly time to start sharing his uplift strategy with you all) SO...
Daily Chuckle:
What is the difference between a guitar and a fish?
You can't tuna a fish!!
What do you call a fake noodle?
An Impasta!!
Have an AWESOME day!!
Ronald seems to be doing good- found the right antibiotic for his infection yesterday and temperatures, blood pressures and labs are doing much better. He is experiencing times of STV's (racing heart rate) which they are keeping an eye on. Other than that still waiting and watching and enjoying spending time with my personal super hero!
Daily Devo:
Proverbs 17:22A merry heart does good, like medicine
Laughter also has extraordinary healing power. When a person laughs, blood pressure decreases, heart rate and respiration increase, the body releases endorphins, and depression declines. After the laughter subsides and you relax again, that good feeling has a lasting effect, even until the next day. Not many medicines will do that....On that note we've decided to include a daily joke (courtesy of my Uncle David who has sent us a joke daily while in the hospital since Ronald was first diagnosed with cancer.... we have LOVED it and felt it was certainly time to start sharing his uplift strategy with you all) SO...
Daily Chuckle:
What is the difference between a guitar and a fish?
You can't tuna a fish!!
What do you call a fake noodle?
An Impasta!!
Have an AWESOME day!!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Ronald Update:
Had somewhat of a crazy day yesterday.... found out early in the day that some cultures taken had come back positive for that pesty Ecoli Bacteria he has gotten before. Thankfully it was detected much earlier than before (since in the hospital) so they started him on some different antibiotics and treatment immediately. Also later in the day he was REALLY sluggish so they checked more labs and found out his hemoglobin was extremely low, soon he had to get a bunch of blood and fluids in him so his pressures, heart rate and oxygen could improve. So... he had a pretty uneasy night but this morning he is feeling much better and looking stable!!!
Special Thought for the Day
We would like tot lovingly dedicate this thought to our beloved friends, the Currie Family. Taken from the poem written by President Boyd K. Packer, and shared again at his funeral services yesterday, we wanted to include the last several stanzas of his poem as we feel these word also represent the beautiful spirit, heart and testimony of our dear President Currie- One of his great legacies most certainly is that THESE THINGS HE truly, deeply, and eternally KNOWS and lived and continues to live by every word!
Had somewhat of a crazy day yesterday.... found out early in the day that some cultures taken had come back positive for that pesty Ecoli Bacteria he has gotten before. Thankfully it was detected much earlier than before (since in the hospital) so they started him on some different antibiotics and treatment immediately. Also later in the day he was REALLY sluggish so they checked more labs and found out his hemoglobin was extremely low, soon he had to get a bunch of blood and fluids in him so his pressures, heart rate and oxygen could improve. So... he had a pretty uneasy night but this morning he is feeling much better and looking stable!!!
Special Thought for the Day
We would like tot lovingly dedicate this thought to our beloved friends, the Currie Family. Taken from the poem written by President Boyd K. Packer, and shared again at his funeral services yesterday, we wanted to include the last several stanzas of his poem as we feel these word also represent the beautiful spirit, heart and testimony of our dear President Currie- One of his great legacies most certainly is that THESE THINGS HE truly, deeply, and eternally KNOWS and lived and continues to live by every word!
I now can say with all certainty
That I know and love the Lord.
I can testify with them of old
As I preach His holy word.
I know what He felt in Gethsemane
Is too much to comprehend.
I know He did it all for us;
We have no greater Friend.
I know that He will come anew
With power and in glory.
I know I will see Him once again
At the end of my life’s story.
I’ll kneel before His wounded feet;
I’ll feel His Spirit glow.
My whispering, quivering voice will say,
“My Lord, my God, I know.”
(for the full talk and poem https://youtu.be/ZmVXta7YVlQ and for poem https://youtu.be/Q2_WDSEggmg)
Friday, July 10, 2015
Ronald's Latest Update:
Day 11(days start the first day he started Chemo again, and will start again the day he receives his bone marrow transplant)
Doing well, but developed an intense pain in his upper gastric area yesterday morning that was pretty painful and after talking with the doctor they believe it to be a form of mucositis. Mucositis is like little ulcer sores that can develop shortly after strong chemo like Ronald's has been administered and his has developed a bit in his esophagus area. Apparently this is not uncommon and they are treating him with a few meds and he is more comfortable today and sleeping a bit better. Other than that he is just moving along by listening to books on CD, memorizing The Living Christ, and loves taking the time to teach and educate the nursing staff whenever he can ;-) They get a kick out of him trying to lead his own treatment plan!!! Some of you may be able to picture this scenerio better than others but it is fun it watch !! He feels a bit disconnected so feel free to email or post anything that you and your family are up to and involved with these days whenever you get the desire! Sure love you!
Daily Devo:
Comes from President Ezra Taft Benson:
"To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is all-consuming and all-encompassing. It is no lukewarm endeavor. It is total commitment of our very being—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—to a love of the Lord....Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life in the service of God will find eternal life."
I love the power available through this principle and promise!!...Personally I visualize this principle like placing it all on the altar and allowing the Lord to magnify and glorify whatever efforts we are making anyway he chooses to do so, AND in the timing that He chooses to do so...and He will! Much like the Brother of Jared bringing the stones to the Lord and placing those stones before the Lord - asking and allowing him to touch those useful, yet dull stones, knowing that the Lord's touch can turn them into literal LIGHT!!- At times it may feel and appear as though there is NO WAY that glory and light can arise from such difficult and painful circumstances... well, we just need to press on and wait on the Lord a bit longer - glorious light will most certainly appear to illuminate not only our journey forward, but literally our hearts as well ! I testify this to be possible and to be true!!
Day 11(days start the first day he started Chemo again, and will start again the day he receives his bone marrow transplant)
Doing well, but developed an intense pain in his upper gastric area yesterday morning that was pretty painful and after talking with the doctor they believe it to be a form of mucositis. Mucositis is like little ulcer sores that can develop shortly after strong chemo like Ronald's has been administered and his has developed a bit in his esophagus area. Apparently this is not uncommon and they are treating him with a few meds and he is more comfortable today and sleeping a bit better. Other than that he is just moving along by listening to books on CD, memorizing The Living Christ, and loves taking the time to teach and educate the nursing staff whenever he can ;-) They get a kick out of him trying to lead his own treatment plan!!! Some of you may be able to picture this scenerio better than others but it is fun it watch !! He feels a bit disconnected so feel free to email or post anything that you and your family are up to and involved with these days whenever you get the desire! Sure love you!
Daily Devo:
Comes from President Ezra Taft Benson:
I love the power available through this principle and promise!!...Personally I visualize this principle like placing it all on the altar and allowing the Lord to magnify and glorify whatever efforts we are making anyway he chooses to do so, AND in the timing that He chooses to do so...and He will! Much like the Brother of Jared bringing the stones to the Lord and placing those stones before the Lord - asking and allowing him to touch those useful, yet dull stones, knowing that the Lord's touch can turn them into literal LIGHT!!- At times it may feel and appear as though there is NO WAY that glory and light can arise from such difficult and painful circumstances... well, we just need to press on and wait on the Lord a bit longer - glorious light will most certainly appear to illuminate not only our journey forward, but literally our hearts as well ! I testify this to be possible and to be true!!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Today we just ask for tender thoughts and faith filled prayers for our beloved friend and his dear family! As the veil is thin for them at this time we want them to know of our deepest and most unconditional love. This great man was not only our stake president for the majority of the years we have lived in Utah, he has also stood as a stunning example of true friendship, compassion, love for family, and community, commitment, and unwavering testimony and faith. He is firmly rooted in his covenants, and love for the gospel of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father's glorious plan of happiness! He is a tall, strong man yet it has always been absolutely evident through his gentleness and kind eyes what love he has for others and has always been genuinely concerned for the individual and well being of others. He and his dear wife stand as stunning examples of companionship and service not only deeply to each other but to all those they come in contact with. Our stake and all around community has been truly elevated through this great disciple, his family and his unwavering commitment to our Savior Jesus Christ! We so deeply want to express our sweetest and most profound love and respect for this dear brother of ours. Oh, we love you President Currie and we pray for our Father in Heaven's sweetest peace and love to envelope you and your family at this most tender time!!
**We wanted to add another thing that President Currie has shared so profoundly with our family.... his love for good music and his extraordinary talent of singing and sharing such music. One of our personal favorites in this area is when we heard him express his love for one of the Forgotten Carol songs, by Michael McClean, "I Was Not His Father, He Was Mine" and then he sang it in one of our sacrament meetings! The spirit of that song was felt so strongly and yet so tenderly-- I remember our sweet Rylan in the congregation just smiling and soooo happy through it all! So much of this great man's life is such a continued blessing to so many. I've attached this song for those who may know what I am talking about!
We LOVE you Currie Family!
**We wanted to add another thing that President Currie has shared so profoundly with our family.... his love for good music and his extraordinary talent of singing and sharing such music. One of our personal favorites in this area is when we heard him express his love for one of the Forgotten Carol songs, by Michael McClean, "I Was Not His Father, He Was Mine" and then he sang it in one of our sacrament meetings! The spirit of that song was felt so strongly and yet so tenderly-- I remember our sweet Rylan in the congregation just smiling and soooo happy through it all! So much of this great man's life is such a continued blessing to so many. I've attached this song for those who may know what I am talking about!
We LOVE you Currie Family!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Ronald received a few surprises from his niece and nephews (including his brand new nephew just born last week!) THANK YOU DARLING DIBB KIDS.... Ronald loves them... and YOU!!!
So we were thinking while we have this "waiting period" where hopefully all stays pretty uneventful... we could just post a daily devotional from Ronald when able or something we are learning from this experience.... feel free to text or email us thoughts and feelings we could include in these and we will post them too!! SOOO... today we thought we would post a thought from our darling missionary daughter that she sent to use in her letter yesterday! For those of you that may not Know Sister Selleka Simmons is serving in the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Mission and most currently in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania at the new Priesthood Restoration Site to open in the next few months!! She is full of love and joy for the work she is so thankfully involved in!
Family and Friends,
I love this quote i read from an Ensign article about the pioneers. Talking about one of the faithful pioneers it says, "Such unwavering faith in times of trial creates steadfast men and women and gives , sure, steady direction when potentially disorienting storms rage. One of the fruits of such faith is that those who possess it will be in a position to nurture, rescue and bless others."
At this time in my life those words mean a lot to me. My Heavenly Father is molding me into a steadfast women and hopefully i will in turn be able to nurture, rescue, and bless others and i know i am getting a huge opportunity on my mission!
At this time in my life those words mean a lot to me. My Heavenly Father is molding me into a steadfast women and hopefully i will in turn be able to nurture, rescue, and bless others and i know i am getting a huge opportunity on my mission!
Love, Sister Selleka Simmons
Monday, July 6, 2015
We have met a beautiful family this past week... The Pecorelli Family!! They have their husband, father/grandfather here in the room right next to our and have become such quick friends. There wonderful husband and father has developed a complication in the past few days that is seriously threatening his life, according to the doctors, and so we wanted to put the word out to all of our friends and family to please include them all in your prayers. They are to celebrate their 50th anniversary on the 15th and we would love nothing more then give them a stunning miracle for such a extraordinary occasion. We have been so incredibly blessed by so many willing to fast and pray for our family and would love to do the same for them. We love you!!!
Sunday, July 5, 2015
So quick post to let you all know that Ronald's Labs are all down now so visitors are limited to just about 5 needed individuals that are involved in his care. We are now into the waiting kinda phase where we wait on any infections he may get (Dr. says that with the type of Chemo he was given, internally born infections are most likely inevitable :( ) and he will be treated as needed with antibiotics, platelets and blood transfusions as needed! They don't expect his labs to climb back up for about 28 days... so we are so thankful for your love, support, fasting, prayers and faith in his behalf!!! Meanwhile, if you need any help with yard work, babysitting, etc feel free to call on our kids.... we love them to stay busier than even normal these days as they are not able to visit much either anymore! Free of charge , they serve everywhere as a team ...and it keeps their minds busy, and spirits serving.... usually a good formula for success for us!!!
Happy Sabbath to you all!
PS: let us know if you want to Skype Ronald... I am sure he would enjoy that from time to time as he feels well enough with such limited outside contact in his future ;-)
Happy Sabbath to you all!
PS: let us know if you want to Skype Ronald... I am sure he would enjoy that from time to time as he feels well enough with such limited outside contact in his future ;-)
Saturday, July 4, 2015
We have to say that we kinda got a kick today out of Ronald's very unique way of incorporating the iconic RED, WHITE, and BLUE into our Independence Day!!!! When we looked at his chemo pole today (with that cool blue chemo this time) He had a pretty Patriotic Pole!!... pretty ironic huh???
Todays Update: So far not much to report....thankfully! Tolerating this stage fairly well and looking great in his Patriotic Blue Shirt today and feeling just about the same as the last few days... just puffing a little bit from the steroids used during the chemo of a few more days, and his levels are definitely dropping as expected so looks like monday he should be about zero and not quite as energetic and hungry but for today he is still looking and feeling really pretty good! Thank you for the great response from our invitation to join us in our unified fast tomorrow (mentioned in our last post).... We are unbelievably blessed to have such extraordinary love and support!! We sure love you!!
Taken this morning... LOOKIN GOOD!
Thought for the day: We were so sorry to hear about the passing of President Boyd K. Packer yesterday afternoon!! There are such powerful spirits that are joining our sweet Elder Rylan in a stunning army that is most certainly hastening the Lords work throughout the spirit world. There is no doubt some great spirits are being called to serve in this capacity this season of mortality!!
We love you President Packer and all you have absolutely contributed to our mortal experience!!
Friday, July 3, 2015
WE ARE NOT ALONE... Not any of us!
UPDATE ON RONALD: Today brought another good day... Ronald needed 2 units of blood today but that is totally to be expected as the Chemo is definitely at work. Ronald is still feeling just fine.... kidneys back stable, great appetite still, energy real good and his spirits are great! Spending time doing some online medical work, studying Old Testament with me for my CES training, skyping with family and memorizing THE LIVING CHRIST!! Another Great Day!!
INVITATION: As this coming week is going to be a much more tender week for Ronald's health, due to the chemothrapy zeroing out all his levels and will be into the neutropenic stage (no immune system)for about 10-15 days... Ronald will be quite weak and not feeling well, but more of a concern is that during this time he will have a greatly heightened risk of infection and without an immune system to fight it off can cause serious complications AND also as the chemo appears to be killing the cells ,as it is supposed to, we really DO NOT want any cancer cells to develop as the new cells begin to come back slowly during this time. If they will stop producing long enough, Ronald will be able to move on to the next stage of necessary treatment!!
WITH ALL THAT SAID... we wanted to invite anyone that would like to , to join our family in a special fast this Sunday, for Ronald, as well as all others throughout this extraordinary hospital... that if able, that the most minimal amount of concern and complication occur during this time and that Ronald and other patients will have capacity within their organs, strength and overall spirits beyond their own and receive as much comfort possible during this time and during the months of treatment ahead!
We certainly are aware that we are definitely not the only family experiencing challenges, illness or in need of increased direction and strength, and so we only wish to invite you, as you may feel inspired to do so!! We also truly welcome you to let us know of any and all of your love ones that are also in need of anything from our family and would love to include them in our thoughts, prayers and fasting as well!! ... Our hope is that all
may know of the knowledge, as Elder Bednar reminded us, That
we are never alone in our pains, trials and challenges! Meanwhile.... WE LOVE YOU and are So very thankful we do not sojourn this mortal journey without you all by our sides!!
Have a marvelous weekend full of unlimited joy!!!!
just wanted to include a sweet picture that our "twins"
sent to us today..... from "Rylan's Mountain Retreat" (willard cemetary)
where they decorated Rylan's special spot for the holiday weekend with their Aunt Bonnie and Uncle David!
What a beautiful, peaceful and loving spot on this planet that once again reminded us that we are SOOO eternally grateful for our absolute knowledge of eternal families and the extraordinary tender mercy of feeling so united with and strengthened by our sweet missionaries , sweet Elder Rylan and darling Sister Selleka although physically apart... we feel so close! We are truly, truly blessed by their faithful service!!
Thursday, July 2, 2015

...and tolerating it real well! Energy up, labs stable, eating well still and in great spirits!
The picture on the right is of one of his three chemo drugs they are administering... it is BLUE... our Hematologist was joking with Ronald that he thinks this is gonna make the difference this time because he know what a die hard BYU fan he is!! He may seriously be able to say he has blue running through his veins :-)
Thanks to everyone for you concern and interest in his well being. We will continue to try to update at least every day or two as things progress!
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