Monday, August 4, 2014


hey everyone!
I know its been a while since anyone has updated this blog. We have all been occupied with other things.

As for my dad: He just finished his 5th round of chemo!! The doctors are calling him "in remission". This means that he won't have to go and do more chemotherapy unless the cancer starts to appear in his blood again. This means no more hospital stays. He goes in for transfusions and will go in once a month to check his blood. This is truly a wonderful thing! None of us know if the cancer is really gone for good but we like to celebrate the fact that he has made it this far and done so well.

This blog is called unexpected adventures, and as all of you can tell we have had more than just the cancer. We as a family, have learned so much. We know that we don't understand everything but we continually hold on to the truth of eternal families. We know that no matter what this life brings, we will be together forever.

Thank you all for your prayers and love and support. We continually feel your love and faith. We know that we have added strength from you , our angel on the other side, and our wonderful family member who is serving a mission ( she is doing fantastic btw).

We will try and keep you posted on what other unexpected adventures arise :)

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