For those of you that just really only have time for an Ronald Update:
He was just released from INTENSIVE CARE and now moved to Intermediate care... he is off ALL medications and treatments EXCEPT dialysis (which he only receives about every other day now for about 3 hours, his feeding tube removed and is on soft and liquid diet, and is talking more each day! His body is EXTREMELY weak from muscle atrophy from even just 2.5 weeks in his coma combined with the extraordinary amount of stress his body had to endure and all the muscle it had to draw from just to help sustain life, and so he will continue to need some intense rehabilitation in and out of the hospital for some months ahead but we are ONLY thankful and ONLY humbled and ONLY a million percent full of joy for the opportunity to have this stalwart and strong man in our lives and we absolutely LOVE serving an loving him stronger for as long as it takes!!
All the doctors here have labeled him a true medical miracle... he's pretty famous around here for living through all that medically he just should not have!! The power of the Lord is real and the power of the priesthood in irreplaceable!!!
ALERT: THIS IS AN ETERNALLY LONG POST as my heart is past overflowing and I have just reached the time available to express a tender portion of my heart.. so read on only as time and mentally ability allows :-)
"Wherefore, by the ministering of angels, and by every word which proceeded forth out of the mouth of God, men (we) began to exercise (increased) faith in Christ; and thus by this faith, they (we) did lay hold upon every good thing; and thus it was until the coming of Christ."
I begin my thoughts this way because of an extraordinary lesson that I have been taught so exquisitely the past several months and even more concentrated these past 3 weeks!.... As desperately as I have desired to witness the miraculous appearance of my angel missionary son , I was so focused, almost insistent, on wanting this blessing so badly that I was missing the powerful miracle of all the other literal angels that were ministering all about me and even physically appearing to me so consistently. It is these such ministering angels that I would like to dedicate this particular post to this day! Let me try to mention just several of the throng of angels that have taken up their discharge to appear and serve me and my family:
*-Fathers, Mothers, brothers and sisters, extended family and friends that within truly minutes of hearing of my warrior husbands new challenge appeared at my side....dropping EVERYTHING, sacrificing work and vacations and time and financial means and traveling from 50 to thousands of miles away, coming by car, plane and many both to stay at my family's side to sustain and support us and encircle us with love no matter what the will of the Lord was to be for us! It is no wonder to me why the family is central to the creators plan... for they are are the root of strength and work directly with the Lord to intimately and powerfully bless one another! Never want to find out what mortality would be like without a family like I have been so richly blessed with!! They would do, go, give up and sacrifice anything for my greater good!! Like one of our old family theme songs states, and my big brother steven has recent so tenderly reminded me... "when the going gets, rough and and journey is tough, PULLING TOGETHER WE CAN WORK IT OUT"... we can and we DO!! Sure love them all sooo very much!!!
*-Angelic gardeners that were intermittently found working to up keep our weeding,mowing, edging and landscape around our home. These sweet angels came in the form of mothers (leaving their own flocks to serve mine), darling achievement day girls (whom also brought lasagna full of love), full families, and unconditionally patient neighbors!
*-"Food and Nutrition angels" who would spontaneously show up at our Huntsman Institute family kitchen and seriously FILL and REFILL the refrigerator and cupboards with all types of wonderful food and snacks, show up with trays of sandwiches, fruit and treats for all and even deliver not only gourmet food but also fresh garden fruits and vegetables from their personal gardens! It has felt like manna from heaven meeting up with the fishes and the loaves!! Pure love in the form of food!!
*-Close loyal, lifetime angel friends (mine and ronald's) that lept to our side with NO thought of how well we have kept up consistent communication, supported them throughout their personal challenges, or how inconvenient the timing may have been... not to mentions how much personal time, concern and love they have already so generously extended toward me and my family throughout the past several months of my somewhat "high maintenance "life! Spending one's childhood and youth in finding and nurishing such angel friendships truly has to be one of thee choicest gifts anyone can reward themselves with in mortality...because such friendships continue to just keep expanding as now THEIR ANGEL CHILDREN have become dear friends and examples to me and have also spent hours visiting, caring, giving and loving me and my family.... these type of friendships obviously continue to expand throughout the eternities! Such a sweet gift!
*-"MIDNIGHT BATHROOM ANGEL" that so perfectly and suddenly appeared to me to minister directly and so personally to me! Sounds strange? I know but one truly did as I was washing my hands in the 5th floor bathroom at midnight! Not only does she look like the sweet, compassionate angel one usually may visualize when they think of the word angel, but she responded and attended to my heavy heart and tired mind at thee most perfect time, putting even aside her own personal concerns to tend to what she most likely saw In my eyes and then spent extended time ministering to my heart and sending me off uplifted and even "stealing" a bit of her glow to magnify my abilities at that time!
AND THEN... later in the week searched me out and even recruited Angel family members of hers to continue to minister to me and my family, even specifically my son, on the eve of his birthday!....AND THEN... continued to call, check up and even resend Angel Family members to minister AGAIN and infuse another inoculation of joy to our family!! I am
so ridiculously amazed at how the Lord touched one of my dear "sisters" to find me and touch our family so personally and powerfully through her!!
*-Dr. Simmons Angel Employers and work associates! Oh Ronald and I have been so thankful for MONTHS for the miracle and great blessing associated with his recent association with 3 new employment opportunities ALL that were willing to not only take on a freshly diagnosed cancer patient but worked so generously with his unique schedule and felt they had all been so patient to the point that when this newest of challenges was thrust upon us I had no reason to feel like they needed to continue to be even MORE patient and understanding with the possible strain and back up support that would be needed to be put in place as a result of Ronald's sudden absence and unavailability. I was brought to tears many times in the past few weeks at the extraordinary compassion and patience and genuine concern that these angel employers and associates have shown regardless of all the inconveniences and strain it has placed on them. When Ronald started coming out of hims coma state one of the first things he wanted to know was in regards to his employment and work status and he was so touched by texts and support I was able to show him immediately! SOO thankful!
*-Angel Missionaries around the world... missionaries from at least 5 missions around the world have reported to have specifically prayed and held fasts for Ronald! Our own darling missionary daughter and missionaries from her mission in the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia mission and their families have special fasting days for his healing and our families comfort and well being. And Sister Simmons Angel mission president served as such a powerful comfort and personal messenger to our fragile yet faithful family during some of our most tender moments! There is obvious and extraordinary power bestowed upon our full time missionary daughter as her strength, faith, commitment, and steadfast desire to stay focused on those she is to serve for whom she is to serve has had and electrifying type of effect upon all the spirit of each of our family members as well as Ronald! Sister Selleka Simmons faith and testimony and complete faith in the Lords will was and is stunning and has been an honor to witness and benefit from. We have also had the missionary children of several of our friends whom have extended even palpable power to our family through their inspired faith and fasting! The power of truly committed and faithful missionaries is MATCHLESS and powerful!!
*-"Angel Children"... "Heavenly Father, are you really there, and do you hear and answer every childs prayer?".... the answer is a loud, enthusiastic and resilient YES!!!! OH, we know this to be true more than ever! Early on in Ronald's challenging journey of cancer, when we would fast and pray for specific instruction and tender heartfelt blessings, we would get such clear and sweet assurance that was absolutely confirmed by the spirit of our Heavenly Father- that the prayers of a multitude of children will be one of the greatest sustaining powers of all that is ahead... at the time we thought it only meant his cancer journey, we had no idea the great power that would be added to sustain this newest and even more challenging journey! Oh thank you for the magnificent power of the pure faith and prayer and love that you beautiful angel children have generated in behalf of our warrior dad and husband. Please know we pray for you to each be personally blessed for your powerful childlike faith and purest testimony!!
*-Stranger Angels... sounds funny but so wonderful!! Some of the sweetest ministering we have had these past few weeks have also come from angels we have met on elevators, in lunch rooms, waiting rooms, lobbies and hallways! Each carrying a sweet thought or timely message that a would hit straight to into the heart or bring back eternal perspective or focus outside ourselves that truly promoted portions of love and healing!
*-Medical Staff Angels... the men and woman whom have sacrificed their time, talents financial means and energies to gain abilities and knowledge that the Lord was able to use and magnify to bring to pass miracle after miracle for Ronald's physical healing. Also,some specific even humble,hopeful and compassionate staff that were not only willing to go above and behind their job descriptions to bring to pass increased comfort and healing but were willing to even join in prayer with our family regardless of their faith and give the credit of Ronald's life and well being up to the Divine!
*-Ward and Stake Angels... members of at least 15 of the wards from the past 4 stakes that we have lived-in the past 20 years all joined in fasting and prayer and frequently checked in , sent well wishes and support and genuine love and faith for our family and our ability to sustain whatever we were called to bear as well as celebrated each new victory with us each new day!!! Truly a bit of ZION!!
*-My ANGEL CHILDREN... who have been physically, emotionally and most importantly spiritually committed to WHATEVER the Lord's will was, and is to be ,NO MATTER WHAT!
Giving up personal plans made months ago, work, financial increase, valuable summer breaks days, stability, "normalcy," limited support and attention for personal life transitions, numerous motherless and fatherless days and night...and so on, and so on.... WITHOUT ONE BREATH of complaint but only pure faith, commitment, loyalty, support, long suffering, patience, kindness, in power, and unconditional love! These angel children have been called to trek along some pretty rough trails and tred through some very deep and rough waters emotionally, spiritually and physically the past six or so months and I am so happy to report that they have held strong to their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and their knowledge that the family in central to the creators plan for the eternal destiny of all of Heavenly Father's children.. that is ALL OF US! They have stayed strongly fused to their knowledge that making and keeping sacred covenants, available in holy temples, make it possible for family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave and that through the eternal covenants Ronald and I made, going on TWENTY FIVE years ago, in the Salt Lake City temple our family can and will be UNITED ETERNALLY! We have discussed why we believe that our family relationships, as well as personal testimonies have NOT been diminished one whit the past several months, despite such adversity but have actually been strengthened.... and we certainly and absolutely believe that Ryker and Syvanna's commitment to attend the temple at least once a week for the past 67 weeks along with our overwhelmingly increased temple attendance has produced the miraculous power to overcome any and all pull to turn from what we have always know to be true and everlasting!! We love the blessings that overflow from the Temple; It truly is the House of the Lord!
These certainly do not cover all the angels that have ministered to our family personally and as a whole these past months, as if you are even reading this right now you have most likely fallen into one of the Angel categories mentioned above and/or one of the multitude of "service angels" that have most certainly magnified our families abilities and strengthened our hearts and joined our personal family throng of angels that have all contributed to produce the power to allow the Lord to allow the extraordinary miracles that have most certainly come to pass!! We genuinely need you all to know we choose to believe that these miracles could not have been granted without all our ANGELS combining our faith, righteousness, love and submission to the Lords ultimate will! No words celestial enough to express our heart filled gratitude!!
So to bring this eternally long post full circle... the great lesson I have learned these past few months is... that I HAVE SEEN RYLAN.... for the Lord has magnified my great desire and allowed me to SEE HIM in each of you.... multiple times a day!!!
WE LOVE YOU D.U.E!.. (Deeply Unconditionally and Eternally)
What a beautiful post, Stephanie. We are thankful for the angels you have been in our lives! We too are thrilled and grateful for Ronald's progress, and continue to keep your family in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteyour family remains in my thoughts and prayers. your strength and faith are incredible. i have loved your family from afar for years (as i am friends with your sister michelle). thank you for sharing your testimony and for allowing others to join with you on this journey. xoxo valerie bateman