ANOTHER MIRACLE DAY...... because we had another day and that
in and of itself is ANOTHER MIRACLE!!!
BEST NEWS: Ronald opened his eyes, both of them to the point that you could see both pupils
completely!! It was soooooo nice to see those beautiful blue eyes of his again!
So, we have certainly made some much desired progress. He will SLOWLY
open both eyes when being spoken to and keep them open as long as he can and
then he seems to get very tired and will close them again, until he is spoken to and
will continue the same thing until we just let him sleep un interrupted! It has been
really hared this afternoon to leave him alone with out wanting him to show us
his eyes over and over!
NOT AS GREAT NEWS: Still really have not made real "contact" as he doesn't track things with
his eyes yet or look as those he is responding , or following any requests. Apparently
after such trauma as septic shock this may take longer to "reinstate"....possible as
we would hope to see his organs slowly try to improve over the next few weeks,
his brain and cognition should also be able to improve as well!
Also, for some reason, unknown to the doctors, he will go a fairly long time with
stable blood pressure and then OUT OF NOWHERE his blood pressure will take
a huge dive and then a few minutes later will spike back up too higher and sometimes
continue this for several minutes and so they end up tying to figure out a balance
of heart pressor med(for low pressure) and mild sedation med (for high pressure)
until he is stabilized and then they ease him off of both meds until he starts that
up again. ( which can be between about 2-6 hours later) The doctors are finding
this highly unusual and pretty baffling. If anyone out there has heard anything like
this or has any ideas of what is triggering this/treatment please leave a comment for
us. Meanwhile.....
Thank you so very much for your care and concern and for you faith , fasting, prayers and love!!
Just want to close this post with a thought just sent home this week from our darling, brave and
faith filled Sister Selleka Simmons which secured more of my perspective and need to pray to my
Father in Heaven:
".I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God. It changes me! -CS LEWIS
This past year and these past couple of day the need to pray defintiely has flown out of me. I am so gratelful for the true and undeniable power that comes from prayer and fasting!SURE LOVE YOU ALLLLLLL!
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