Wednesday, August 13, 2014


So...after having another very progressive day yesterday ending with our long awaited and prayed
for bowel movement as well  as even a unexpected and celebrated urination- both giving signs that his kidneys, liver and bowels have a shooting chance.... this morning Ronalds blood pressure took a
very unexpected dive and then became very irratic and wouldn't seem to normalize so he had to go back on a bit of pressor meds AND his lactate came back up again for no real obvious reason and so doctors are concerned about infection (either same one or possibly a type of pneumonia) possibly starting to fester back up. ALSO... he is still unresponsive and staying in what appears to be a coma-type state and so they have decided to administer a full body cat scan to see what they could be missing. It's not really making sense and adding up too obviously or clearly so they are covering all the bases again until get some answers, so they started another antibiotic as well!

SOOO.... not as wonderful update as we were hoping for yet still so thankful that he continues to show regular bowel activity and is make some of his own urine and that is truly a blessing.

We would really appreciate the tender mercy of Ronald regaining his cognition as immediately as can
be granted and so that is what we are petitioning the Lord for this time of the day and on this road of the journey! We continue to invite you to join with us!

We choose to follow the counsel in 2 Nephi 31:20:
"Wherfore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ having a BRIGHTNESS OF HOPE, LOVE OF GOD and OF ALL MEN.  Wherefore if you PRESS forward, FEASTING UPON THE WORD of CHRIST and ENDURE TO THE END, behold, thus sayeth the Father: YE SHALL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE!".... Sounds marvelous and celestial to me!!... LETS DO IT!!!!

We LOVE you all SOOO much!!

(PS:  I think I would like to restate and correct (a more accurate way) the title of this particular post- the correct interpretation should be ... "50 MIRACLES GRANTED AS WE MOVE FORWARD,  AND EVEN IF A MILLION SET BACKS COMING AHEAD is STILL......... EXTRAORDINARILY and TRULY BLESSED!")

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie and family-- We love you and continue to join with you in prayer for Ron's full and speedy recovery! Your faith is incredible, and you continue to inspire us and set an amazing example for us to follow. Much love, Tamsen (and Rob)
