Thursday, November 24, 2016


I wasn't wanting nor expecting to have to post this at this time but we have recently been given all test results and have been told that the leukemia in Ronald's body has ,almost literally, flooded into a great deal of Ronald's body and after trying to treat him with everything legally possible the doctors have just recommended hospice and comfort care- Ronald's health as well as body has depleated so exponentially this past week and although we know that all hope is never lost and extraordinary miracles are absolutely available through our Savior, we have become more to feel that miracles will come but, this time may look different than we have desired! According to Ronald's chief doctor's, they believe (medically thinking) that he may be down to a few days to a week before he has finished his time on this earth with us.  I hesitated to send this information due to the holidays but  I just didn't want any regrets letting my feelings get in the way of releasing information you all deserve to know as so many have been so sweetly and genuinely invested in Ronald and our family's well being! We love you ,and Ronald and our family have been left with no doubts regarding your love for him and our family!! 

We will update this blog as feel needed! We are so very grateful for the love and 
support so freely dispersed to our family and many time , literally lifted up by it...
At this time we would ask that if you are desiring to see him or come by that you please call first, if possible, to assure the best experience for everyone. With that said and
almost sounding insincere, HAPPY THANKSGIVING... for Thanksgiving has everything
to do with providing the necessary power we will all need to continue to carry through with this extraordinarily challenging mortal experience! 
(our Daily Devotional will explain a bit what I have been led to guide us at this time and today we certainly celebrate that and so many many other blessings)

In the early morning hours of this Thanksgiving Day I decided to review President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk entitled "Grateful in Any Circumstances", and I am so glad I did as it has set the tone not only for this day but hopefully for certainly some of thee most difficult circumstances that are upon our family at this time and as this new season of life is breaking upon us. I will attach the link to this talk at the bottom of the page but wanted to post some of the most powerful truths that led to some resolutions and fortifying for me personally this morning:

President Uchtdorf counseled me...."Everyone’s situation is different, and the details of each life are unique. Nevertheless, I have learned that there is something that would take away the bitterness that may come into our lives. There is one thing we can do to make life sweeter, more joyful, even glorious.....We can be grateful!...It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding."
President Uchdorf PROMISED me...This type of gratitude transcends whatever is happening around us. It surpasses disappointment, discouragement, and despair. It blooms just as beautifully in the icy landscape of winter as it does in the pleasant warmth of summer. When we are grateful to God in our circumstances, we can experience gentle peace in the midst of tribulation. In grief, we can still lift up our hearts in praise. In pain, we can glory in Christ’s Atonement. In the cold of bitter sorrow, we can experience the closeness and warmth of heaven’s embrace.
President Uchtdorf agreed with me...Being grateful in times of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges.
President Uchtdorf taught me...Being grateful in our circumstances is an act of faith in God. It requires that we trust God and hope for things we may not see but which are true. By being grateful, we follow the example of our beloved Savior, who said, “Not my will, but thine, be done.” True gratitude is an expression of hope and testimony. It comes from acknowledging that we do not always understand the trials of life but trusting that one day we will.
As this apostle of the Lord has counseled, promised and taught me today I recommitted to do all that lies within my power at this time, combined with drawing upon every whit of the power the Savior freely offers me to focus upon the many and sacred truths I do know:                                                                                        That our Father has given His children the great plan of happiness! Tthat through the Atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ, we can live forever with our loved ones! That in the end, we will have glorious, perfect, and immortal bodies, unburdened by sickness or disability!  That our tears of sadness and loss will be replaced with an abundance of happiness and joy!!!!  For this I am more genuinely grateful for than ever.. for I am relying on and placing my current and eternal heart and welfare wholly upon those truths..... 
...So because of His glorious gifts filled with such priceless brightness of hope for us at this time for me, I have so much to be grateful for, so much to thank my Heavenly Father and Savior for,  and even celebrate today!  So again... Happy Day of Thanksgiving and Enjoy every moment with you family... for time with them is truly a precious gift!

... And deeply grateful for all our angel family and friends, on both sides of the veil, for all your necessary love and support!

***The talk I took my thoughts from for this post is posted on the following post!


  1. My sweet family. It is with a heavy heart that I read this. That said, I am thankful, so thankful for you and that I am a part of your family. I feel peace as I read what you have written. My love is right there with you. I hold you in my heart and in every prayer. I always will. It is often so hard to understand why things happen to us in this early journey. I know we are told that it is all for our good and I have faith that it is. Just hard. Sending giant hugs through the miles. I love you.
    Aunt Natalie

  2. This truly saddens me. Your family touched me and made a difference in my life. Stephanie reminded me of the positive person I used to be and I strive daily to have a positive outlook and to smile always. Our paths, most likely, will never cross again, but the time you were here did impact me. Ronald is a great example to me. He always was patient and kind and loving with all he came in contact. I miss the whole fam. You are in my prayers now and always. ��

  3. Thomas wants you to know that your father literally changed his life by being persisted and bringing him to church. That he never gave up on him and ultimately he baptized him. He has very fond memories of him as the young men's president. That he greatly saddened by this news by believes ultimately we will all be reunited. Lothar says he will miss him dearly. He was always very special to him, maybe because he served his mission in Germany, and he knows what your family is going through because of his own six year battle with cancer. He will be missed.

  4. Just want you to know that your family is in my prayers. Having lost my father last year to lung cancer and saying good-bye during hospice, I can truly sympathize with the sadness of saying good-bye. It is wonderful, however, to know that we never say good-bye for the last time. Your father and family mean so very much to us for more reasons than say at this time. We truly appreciated your letting us know asap and while we are miles apart know that you all have never been very far from our hearts. When you see Ron please let him know that the Woelki clan is thinking of him and how much we love and care for all of you.

  5. To the Simmons family--I am sister Sherri Brun--used to be Sherri Hicks. We were in Conway ward together and sister Simmons, I was your visiting teacher. I remember all of you well. I am so saddened by this news. Though I am sad, your post about being grateful even at times of almost unbelievable trials uplifted me. I encourage you in your endeavor to have faith and be grateful. I hope that The Lord will extend his tender mercies to you and your family. We are all so fortunate to be Latter-Day Saints and to know His plan for us. Please know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. May God's blessing of peace and comfort be yours as you go through this trial. Please keep us posted and know that you are in my prayers.

    I am listed as Sherri Hatcher Brun on Facebook. God Bless!

  6. Stephanie, we want you to know that our thoughts and prayers have been with your family through this trial and they continue to be with you. We love you and your family and we are so grateful for each and everyone of you. Love you tons! McD's

  7. Oh Stephanie. My heart aches for you. I am so grateful for the friendship we have built over the past 7.5 years (can you believe it has been this long!?) Ronald and you have been a great example of the importance of eternal marriage, and creating lasting family relationships. I remember you telling us all about that trip to downtown salt lake in Christmas, with the whole scavenger hunt all planned ahead for the kids! Surprisingly, when Clark was born 3 years ago, you and Ronald were then very first people outside of our family to hold him and welcome him home with our favorite food from chillis. 3 weeks later, we lost Trevor's dad to ALS. My sweet husband was devastated. You both came over with that book we've cried and prayed over, the willow tree statue, and card. All of it has a permanent place on our "important family valuables" shelf. Just spending time talking with you has meant more than you'll ever realize, and has hugely impacted my testimony. We love you. We pray for you. And we will support you no matter what heavenly fathers plan is❤️
