Monday, December 7, 2015


So for those of you who may not be aware... Last year, in memory of Rylan's life and light, our
family formed an official foundation "Rylan's Light" . 

We developed this organization in honor of our son and brother , Rylan Brent Simmons whom despite many mortal challenges, and without saying a word had the power to create and share a bright light wherever he was! It is our desire to carry on his legacy of light by sharing what we have learned from him by loving, uplifting and brightening  others lives - especially those with special needs and abilities, any way we can.

We hope to grow this organization to include unlimited possibilities to support our mission but for now with other important and pressing adventures going on we are focusing on our yearly "Celebration of Light" Holiday event put on to honor many youth with special needs and abilities within the Weber District Community. This event will be held this Year December 18th. As this organization at this time is strictly donation based, we would invite you view the Rylan's Light webpage: to learn more. Please be assured that every penny donated will go directly to those youth with special need and abilities that are being honored, served and lifted during this holiday season! We feel this is not only a need within the surrounding communities but also feel it a great opportunity to be around the extraordinary light of these such extraordinary individuals.


Rylan Brent Simmons

In the midst of some serious mortality and challenging times.... we have had the opportunity to receive some serious LIGHT and eternal PERSPECTIVE to truly brighten  and lighten our lives as we were given the opportunity to perform our angel Rylan's temple work last week!!
It was an absolutely extraordinary experience with so much family and friends attending! We all felt so close to Rylan and to each other and enjoyed focusing on the truth that our family relationships are perpetuated way beyond the grave and despite the fact that our twinkly-eyed Rylan is not physically with us at this season, our relationship and love for him can and is continuing to grow and strengthen!
This knowledge of our Savior's perfect plan of happiness brings my heart exactly that...
PURE HAPPINESS and needed strength ........ I love the temple, I love my imperfect family, I love my Savior Jesus Christ  and I am so deeply grateful that together those extraordinary blessings in my life equal....reuniting with Rylan and being with my family FOREVER and EVER.....
.....NOTHING else compares or is worth more to me! This sweet experience has proved to be a  perfect way for our family to merge into this glorious Christmas holiday with a brightness of hope of great things to come!


Thank you for all of the fasting and prayer on behalf of my warrior sister Michelle!
For daily updates on her unfoldings miracle you can go to:


Welcome Home Father and Daughter!

Sooooo Ronald was given the "OK" to move back home just 2 days before Sister Selleka Simmons
returned home... and was also able to join the family to welcome her home at the airport!!
It was a wonderful day full of love and much gratitude!!!!

RONALD UPDATE:  Doing well... labs are great but still not as much Graph vs. Host as desired
to fight off the possibility of cancer cells that may arise! Receiving additional treatments in hopes to aid that concern.

An image of candles floating on water, coupled with a quote by President Russell M. Nelson: “Christmastime is cherished family time.”DAILY DEVO:  "The family unit is central to the creators plan for the eternal destiny of His children....." ( The Family; A Proclamation to the World)
.....and one reason I know this to be true is that we have felt such an infusion  of physical, emotional and spiritual power being able to be back together at home.  As Elder Russell M. Nelson put it..
"Family time is SACRED TIME"!... and we are truly thankful at this Christmas time for  the opportunity to experience this truly sacred time! 

DAILY CHUCKLE: Why did the computer break up with the internet?
                  "The was no CONNECTION"

         What did the stamp say to the envelope?
         "Stick with me and we will go places"
                   HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

Friday, November 20, 2015


Ronald's mission for health & recovery continues ... As Sister Simmon'mission comes to an end
UPDATE: Well we now have 81 days post transplant secured....WE'LL TAKE IT!!
As far as Ronald's health... he feels pretty well and have felt truly blessed not
to have ANY re-admissions back into the hospital for any complications. With that
said the latest is that his transplant team is becoming a bit concerned that has shown little to 
no signs of any Graft VS. Host (GVH) which simply is the fighting between his new transplanted cells and his own cells... which apparently they (the Dr's) feel he needs to have more of to feel
like the transplant has a good chance of fighting off a relapse of cancer! HMMMM sooo they 
made a real unusual decision to take him off of all Immunosuppressant medications (about 7 months earlier than the average transplant patient) to see if that would get thing "roaring and fighting" a bit
between the cells to prove some active fighting and protecting going on within his new system.
Kinda strange that they are trying to pretty much increase pain and uncomfortable symptoms to increase the chances of lasting change and improvement in his body!--- Just cannot help but see a pretty clear analogy or irony in that theory..... I have felt that it has been through the pain and 
discomfort of this whole journey that the Lord has helped our entire family experience change and
hopefully lasting improvements and appreciation in our lives.
With that said.....
We  have SOOO much to be thankful for and one of which is that our darling and faith filled missionary will return THIS Monday, the 23rd!!! 18 months ago when this young lady stepped into the missionary training center (just a few months following Rylan's leaving on his mission) on her way to serve in the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Mission ... she left her dad in the middle of his first few rounds of chemo therapy and and unknown prognosis....during her missionary service our family continued to experience unexpected adventures and complications with Ronald's septic shock and coma as well as his miraculous rehabilitation, and then a few months later experiencing relapse and necessary bone marrow transplant all the while Sister Simmons has continued to faithfully serve our Father in Heaven and our family through her love, support, service, example and stunning faith. She has served this mission during months that she never knew if she would ever have the opportunity to see her dad in this life again.....
....Our Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday's will be overflowing with gratitude and sweetest joy as this faithful missionary will not only be home once again but will have the miracle granted of being able to wrap her arms around her courageous father.  We  KNOW it is ONLY through the mercy, and power of the Lord Jesus Christ that this moment is even possible. In thinking about the power we have felt so strongly and personally these past 18 months the following quote, promise really, from 
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles stands strong and proven in the lives of our family:
"I promise that because of your faithful response to the call to spread the Gospel, He will Bind up your broken hearts, dry your tears, and set you and your families free. That is my missionary promise to you and your missionary message to the world."

Oh, I bear witness and personal testimony that this apostolic promise has been not only absolutely fulfilled, every whit, but powerfully felt every moment and every day that this faithful missionary has served with all of her love and all of her heart always trusting the will of our Father in Heaven!

We will post pictures and update following this sweet reunion!!

                                                               DAILY DEVO
For our thought with this entry I wanted to post Sister Simmons last and final email from the mission field... for all those who have a few extra minutes to review the 100 things she has learned on her mission...Thought it was so fun to read!  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday filled with powerful memories and unlimited love! Ours will be full of gratitude for all of the love and unlimited support that has been shown so generously toward our family and our darling missionary!!!

HI everyone!!

So if I could describe my mission in one word it would be
indescribable!!:) but man have a learned a lot on my mission that I
will keep and apply forever!! Here is a couple of things I have

100 things I have learned on my mission
1. All you need to know is God loves you
2. The Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool in teaching
3. All that matters is what God thinks of you
4. Everyone has a story
5. Listen!!!
6. Thinking about others is what brings the most happiness
7. The Lord answers prayers and Prayers are answered specifically
8. Don't judge a book by its cover...or people by their first reaction to you:)
9. You don't need to be a scriptorian
10. Love is the way to people's heart
11. Be persistent
12. Always start your day off with scripture and prayer
13. Don't wave at motorcyclists;)
14. Laugh everyday,all day!!:)
15. Dont Stress so much you can't enjoy!
16. Whenever you have a question, always turn to the Lord first
17. Wanna love someone...serve them
18. Everyone has good in them...focus on that
19. Attitude is everything
20. I love my family!!! (these are not listed in order :-)
21. Teach with the spirit, not in front or behind it

22. It's not fair to compare
23. Finish with your torch still lit
24. Don't have to understand the Book of Mormon to feel of its power
25. There is still so much good in the world
26. There are millions of miracles everyday to further the work of the lord
27. Doubt not. Fear not d and c 6:36
28. The gospel changes lives, it has changed mine
29. It is easy to fall out of a habit
30. I need to teach my kids how to behave well...learned that at the site:)
31. People are always watching
32. The strengthening power of the atonement is real
33. When you think you have done more
34. There is help from the other side!!
35. Compromise
36. Do things for the right reasons...real intent
37. I love my Heavenly Father
38. I love my Savior Jesus Christ
39. I love my scriptures
40. The priesthood really was restored through heavenly messengers.
John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John in harmony, Pa
41. Harmony, PA is now called Oakland and Susquehanna
42. It's not important what you say but how you say it!
43. Dont Ask a single guy if it gets lonely living by himself...creeper;)
44. White people are way more scary to talk to than black people
45. People feel love differently
46. If you don't get along with someone...change yourself
47. Write in my journal everyday
48. I never have it.....humility
49. My goal in life is to be like Sam and Hyrum( both so amazing but
in the background)
50. Teach the why and they are more willing to obey
51. 70% of the Book of Mormon was translated in Harmony, PA
52. The best teachers ask inspired questions
53. Give all the credit to God
54. What alcohol smells like:)
55. Dogs are my worst enemy in more ways than one
56. The promise (Moroni 10:3-5) is real!
57. I love avocados
58. A returning less active is just as important as a baptism
59. I still hate the cold
60. Just becasue it is raining or snowing people still don't have
sympathy and let you in (don't get wet out there-when its raining or
stay warm-when it's 100 below 0)
61. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!!
62. Russell M.
Nelson is an apostle of God
63. Actions speak louder than words
64. I am not one to fight for attention
65. Exact obedience brings blessing
66. Obedience is better than sacrifice
67. I want to be a missionary for my whole life
68. The gospel is so simple that a child can understand it, yet so
complex that you can always learn more!
69. I always need to set goals for myself...goals show the desires of
your heart
70. People are hilarious....they do the funniest darn things:)
71. 30 minute prayers!
72. You can tell what someone is really thinking and feeling By their
body language
73. I don't need to be's okay to have things I need to work on
74. I am gaining the tools for the rest of my life
75. No one can deny your testimony
76. Heavenly Father has a sense of humor!:)
77. When their is awkwardness involved you know it will turn out good:)
78. If you want to change the world you have to be different from the world
79. Read scripture in the morning
80. The power is in the covenant
81. Jump shots are the best pictures:)
82. The power of fasting
83. The best feeling ever is seeing those you are teaching understand
by themselves and apply what they are learning
84. General conference is better than Christmas!;)
85. I love talking to people!!!!
86. Be better today than you were yesterday!
87. Most of the time people won't remember  what you said but how they
felt around you
88. I don't want to live in the country country!
89. A town can consist  of one street and one stop light...Susquehanna
and great bend:)
90. Want things to change...change your mindset!!
91. The power of a song
92. Make no excuses
93. People are more important than plans
94. Keep the sabbath day holy
95. Those in spirit paradise cannot be tempted by Satan...shout out to Rylan!!
96. I am not patient
97. Invite missionaries for holidays
98. Fellowship!! Know everyone in the ward by name:)
99. How to work effectively in calling and Ward councils
100. I love being a missionary. I am forever a missionary!

I love you all so much!!!! Thanks for all your support!
Sister Simmons

Thursday, October 1, 2015


                                                             RONALD UPDATE

I am so sorry we have not posted lately... The reason we haven't is actually do to the great news that
Ronald was finally able to leave Huntsman and move into his temporary apartment (which we feel sooo unbelievably blessed to have been given the opportunity to have - we have been sooo incredible blessed and know the Lord is so aware of our every need and has truly inspired hearts to provide for us in a multiplicity of ways).  He will have to wait out the remainder of the 100 days near the hospital while  he is very immune compromised!!... the apartment we are is not able to receive internet at this time and so we may not post quite as often but if there is anything overly exciting or concerning arrises we will get the news out ASAP!
For now.... Ronald is on the right train going down the right track... is how it is being put! He had difficulty eating, takes around 40 pills a day to keep system in a good enough balance and is weaker and tired much more than he would normally be... BUT with that said we are sooo grateful that all of that is 100% expected and on course, in other words... right train...right track!! His superhero strengths continues to include.... taking those 40+ pills a day, daily infusions and blood draws, listening and talking with me through all my thoughts, helping me plan my seminary lessons, eating as much as he possible can (every bite counts)and he walks about 1/4 of a mile every day which include a VERY steep hill and he is such an inspiration to me every time I see his commitment to reach the top each day!! We are so grateful for General Conference this weekend as is NEVER EVER EVER fails to bring us EXACTLY what we are in need of to move us forward and rehydrate our spirits!! We love you and love to hear from you by email, text, phone anytime!! Happy OCTOBER!!

                                                     EXTRA GREAT NEWS!!!
Ronald's mother received her Mission Call to serve in the Nauvoo, Illinois Mission and she leaves
in March!!! What a wonderful call to such a wonderful woman! She is going to be so amazing!!

                                                                      DAILY DEVO
Just a thought today that I was reminded of during the General Womans Meeting  this past Saturday.... I think I can say this can apply to all of us:

       Don’t give up,- Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead—a lot of it. You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come.’”

I deeply believe this!! GREAT THINGS TO COME... we've just got to give the best we can.... somedays we have more to give than others right?! But all that is required is that we do not quit, do not give up.... JUST KEEP TRYING!!!

                                                                                   DAILY CHUCKLE

                                                    What do you call a crushed angle?
                                                                      A RECTangle
                What happened to the wooden car with wooden wheels and wooden engine?
                                                                 It Wooden Go!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


                                                             RONALD UPDATE!

SO.... Ronald has had some pretty rough days this week with a bit of a cranky temperature and
 some vicious mucositis ( the painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes lining the mouth, throat and often times digestive tract, usually as an adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment for cancer.)but at this point appears to be staying pretty confined to his throat YEA!) His energy is pretty down and obviously not eating too great because of the throat ulcers as well but...........

Looks like a bright RESTORATION of some health and strength is beginning as his ANC has taken a huge jump to 500 and his platelets to 200!!!!... This is significant for a few reasons:
1. This is wonderful timing as this means his body is now regaining the function of fighting off this painful inflammation and doctors are thrilled that his levels are restoring earlier than expected and in time to hopefully not allow the mucositis to spread throughout his digestive tract!!!
2. This is a marvelous and strong sign that the bone marrow stem cells are engrafting 
which is exactly what we have hoped for!!

So in Summary... Ronald has been truly living the principle that "Their must needs be that there is opposition in all things".. For Ronald...the great pain of mucositis  yet the glorious joy of restoring priceless immune system to fight off the pain!! Thank you for your constant prayers, concern and unbelievable support and love!! OHHHH his feels it and truly, truly feels so grateful and magnified by it all !

                                                                DAILY DEVO

For today just wanted to let you all know that the PRIESTHOOD RESTORATION SITE and VISITOR CENTER in Pennsylvania will be dedicated this Saturday!! Many of you may already know that our darling

missionary, Sister Selleka Simmons, has currently been called to serve at this site as part of her mission. She already has had some extraordinary experiences while serving there and will be able to personally take part in the events this weekend. For all interested the dedication will be aired live on LDS.ORG at 9:00am MST and 11:00am EST... I am posting a link to that information as well as the information and history behind this glorious restoration site. 
I know for  myself that the power and authority of God has been restored and given to man to serve and perform the Lord's purposes on the earth today. I know that is only in and through this power available through Jesus Christ. that Ronald is sustained and is capable of having his physical health restored at this time. It is only through this power that our family is united eternally through sacred covenants that we made with the Lord in His Holy temple, and because such, our love and relationship with our sweet son, Rylan, is not only alive and well, but we can also look forward to being reunited with him again!! .... and, it is only through the priesthood power of the Lord,  that the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ has absolutely been restored  on this earth and continues to allow us to progress and ultimately realize Eternal Life with our Father in Heaven! The priesthood power governed by our Savior IS REAL and has been restored to this earth, I bear personal testimony of this!


                                                DAILY CHUCKLE
 (just want to thank my Uncle David again for never forgetting to send these opportunity for laughter our way... every day... seems like a small thing but has meant more than he knows!! Sure love you David and Bonnie!)

            Did you hear about the astronaut who stepped in chewing gum?
                                               He got stuck in ORBIT

                      What do you call a musician with problems?
                                                  A TREBLED man

Sunday, September 13, 2015


                                                             RONALD  UPDATE:

So Ronald on his 13th day post transplant, is a man down on all his numbers, his strength, his
calories, his ability to eat without throwing its up, his ability to walk very much with out getting pretty tired or even watching another absolutely GREAT BYU game without napping throughout it :-) BUT he is a man still up in spirit, prayers, faith, desire, hope, endurance and through the rooooooof up in friends and family willing to see this through with him/us all the way... and that is not only obvious but proving to be even more powerful that any downs he is confronting!!

Although Ronald has and is working through some real physical weakness and now a bit of a rising temperature issue (reason not identified quite yet) the medical staff here continue to be very pleasantly surprised at how well he is pushing through this and the "no show" of many multiple common complications and discomforts that often accompany this type of transplant.  We feel extraordinarily blessed to be allowed this time of sustaining (not knowing what may be in store the coming days and weeks) and truly find great sweetness and gratitude in these powerful tender mercies from the Lord. We know it is only in and through our Savior that such respite and comfort is even available and we are limitless in our gratitude for His compassion and mercy as well as all of the unmeasurable amount of love, fasting, faith filled prayers and support that is consistently expressed in a multiplicity of ways on Ronald's/our families behalf!! It is with that deep gratitude in my heart that I have drawn my thought for the day from...

                                                             DAILY DEVO:
    (taken from the talk "Man Down" by President Henry B. Erying,  A true Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ)
Almost all of us have seen a battlefield portrayed in a film or read the description in a story. Over the resonating  of explosions and the shouts of soldiers, there comes a cry, “Man down!”
When that cry sounds, faithful fellow soldiers will move toward the sound. Another soldier or a medic will ignore danger and move to the injured comrade. And the man down will know that help will come. Whatever the risk, someone will run low or crawl to get there in time to protect and give aid. That is true in every band of men joined in a difficult and dangerous mission which they are determined to fulfill at any sacrifice. The histories of such groups are full of stories of those loyal men who were determined that no man would be left behind. Out of loyalty they felt a duty to stand by their fellow soldiers, whatever the cost. The courage to act and their selfless service and sacrifice. came from feeling that they were responsible for the lives, the happiness, and the safety of comrades. Some of these such soldiers are given the "Congressional Medal of Honor"- Medal of Honor is the United States highest military's high honor , awarded for personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty whom have truly deserved such a powerful award.
Image result for medal of honorOhhhh my dear friends and family... it is exactly this level of rescue effort that we have been the the daily recipients of! Although in the context of this talk, President Eyring made great reference to our fellow SPIRITUALLY fallen soldiers during our consistent and real battle with the adversary, we have witnessed some of thee most stunning "rescue mission" responses as we have had 'our man down" battling daily a more PHYSICAL war!  We continued to have countless fellow soldiers sacrifice , in extraordinary ways, willing to run and/or crawl to get something, or someone to us to bring aid, stand by our fellow soldier, (and his grateful family) and have truly felt the love, responsibility, happiness and safety of a fellow comrade that is "down".  These past few weeks again. we have been so emotional as well as empowered by such unexpected and unbelievable sacrifice in our behalf as the Lord continues to inspire and lead such soldiers desiring to come to our aid. Some of these such fellow soldiers are literally unidentified soldiers that we may never  have the privilege in this life (with overflowing hearts and tears ) express our gratitude, but for now our truly humbled and tender hearted family wish that we could  award our own Medal of Honor to you all!  On the military service medal of honor, the citation reads that what they did was “above and beyond the call of duty.” We place that same resonating citation on our's as well as the Lord has deeply blessed us in battling  our war with some of thee most stunning, inspired and selfless soldiers, rather fellow comrades, that continue to go astoundingly ABOVE THE CALL OF DUTY!! Please know that we pray daily that the Lord will magnify the blessings of all such soldiers and their own families throughout the world who continue to serve and sacrifice for the  safety, freedom and security of others as well as those on the front lines succoring the week, lifting up the arms that hang down, strengthening the feeble knees and infusing heavy heart with genuine love and joy. You deserve something more valuable than a medal, and we pray daily that you are blessed with exactly it is that you and your family may stand in need of.
                                         Ohhhhhhhh, we deeply love and appreciate all of you!!

                                                     DAILY CHUCKLE

                        What do you call and elephant that doesn't matter?
                                                 An Irrelephant!
                       What do you call the new girl at the bank?
                                                   The Nutella!


***For those interested I've posted the link to President Eryings origional address of "MAN DOWN" as given in the April 2009 General Conference: