My Sister, My Mentor, My Angel, My Friend.... NEVER To Be Forgotten!
"Michelle is my sister but probably more accurately described as an administering angel for countless individuals and families!! Throughout her lifetime she has been a person that would drop just about anything to come to the aid and comfort of those around her. Multiple family members have been blessed by her ability to help, support, succor and love us through extraordinary and somewhat overwhelming challenges!! I am sure we have no way of counting up all those that have been touched by her gifts of compassion, long suffering and selflessness!! Michelle, I know that no matter how hard we could try to be able to express and show you of our gratitude for your selfless life we would still fall short of what you deserve in return! We love you deeply, unconditionally and eternally!!"
That was the post that I wrote last year on my dear sisters birthday... little did I know, at the time, that just a year later on that same day I would be with her as she took her last mortal breath to continue her angelic calling on the other side of the veil with our Rylan and multiple other loved ones that no doubt were anxiously and joyfully awaited their reunion with her.
Michelle's life was packed to the very last moment with a lifetime of service and character that I have no problem labeling as a "Type of Christ" as we find so beautifully throughout the scriptures. I could go on to detail how true that is, but for those that know her there is no need for explanation whatsoever! I feel nothing less than
honor and deep gratitude for somehow being counted worthy to be her sister throughout our mortal journey on throughout the eternities. Michelle is within the fibers of my best character, mothering, teaching, loving, decision making, service and eternal goals. We have found some great comfort and even joy during this time knowing Rylan's bright smile and twinkle has exponentially increased with his beloved Aunt Michelle back in his phere and presence!
Oh we love you, we love deeply Michelle! Please Stay Close!
**Those who would like to read about Michelle's unexpected adventure and journey through her last year please refer to her blog
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