Saturday, October 22, 2016

And....Fieldtrip over!!


So we  had about 55 absolutely wonderful hours out of the hospital before Ronald spiked 
a fever and was once again admitted back into the Hunstman Hotel. Since Thursday he 
has been fevering off and on without any cultures or test giving reasons why, so doctors are wondering if it from the cancer breakdown (tumor lysis) response causing a fever, or also 
possible it may be a neutropenic fever response since all his numbers are down now. One 
way or another, were being told that it may be best that he remain in the hospital until his 
immune system returns, which apparently could be a minimum of 40 days with this particular treatment. Meanwhile, Ronald is very tired (expected), receiving transfusions (expected), 
and continues to want to work his online medical consulting job as much a possible (also very expected) as we wait to see how his body will now be responding to treatment, hopefully, uncomplicated by any type of infection. He is in good spirits, very optimistic and other 
than some serious cancer continuing to insist on residence within his body, he is looking 
and behaving pretty much like normal, well as much as normal can be within the hospital.
Our prayers are focused at this time on his immune system returning as absolutely as soon as possible as the longer his system is down the greater the chance of  infections and complications arising in is recovery.

Thank you for all of your concern, fasting, prayers ignited by your faith- we continue to feel the great 
power  and intense love of our Savior and his personal attention to the detail in all of our lives!

*Love this picture of Ronald recieving his IV antibiotics in the hospital while he is doctoring another.
He is so awesome and loves keeping things going on as normal as much as possible! Love that!!

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful that Ronald could escape for 55 hours and enjoy the Temple and a concert night with his twinkly eyed "babies" on the stage! Thank you for keeping us all up to date on this blog. We have all of you in our hearts and our prayers. Have an amazing week, love, Dave and Bonnie
