Thursday, August 6, 2015


                                      Ronald Update:
Great things have come to develop the last few days...
1. Ronald's ANC ( immune system) kicked up to 700!!
2. Received his bone marrow biopsy!
3. Biopsy came back CLEAR of cancer which is exactly what we
hoped... sets up best case scenario for a successful transplant!
4. Drs decided to let Ronald come home yesterday while waiting 
for transplant to be given in about 2 weeks!! YAHOO!

So much joy is found in being together as a family at home!! SO MUCH JOY!!

-Still so much to overcome, but for today we are thrilled to be riding this hopeful and exhilarating wave!! Thank you all so much for your love, support, concern, support, faith, fasting and prayers in our behalf ... it has made such an extraordinary difference in our lives! We are SO humbled and thankful for the great infusion of 
hope, love and joy that we receive from you!!

                                          Daily Devo:
    "Some of the sweetest treasures are found in the space 
                          BETWEEN the miracles."
                                        Daily Chuckle:
                Why did the traffic light turn red?
You would too if you had to change in the middle of the street!


  1. What a blessing! I'm so grateful to know your beautiful family! Your strength and testimonies are such an example to me. I love you all. I'm so grateful Brother Simmons can be home, how wonderful that must be! Praying for you always.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great news! I second those thoughts of Alyson. We are very grateful and have all been blessed to know your family! Always praying for all of you! Love you guys!

  4. Shouting for joy! This is awesome news. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Prayers continue here for Ronald Brent. Love from the family in Overton, NV
