So the words to a song from a popular , stage play from the eighties SATURDAY"S WARRIORS has been running through my mind lately. The song is "Line Upon Line" and the lyrics go something like this:
Line upon line, precept on precept.
That is how he lifts us, that is how he teaches his children.
Line upon line, precept on precept.
Like a summer shower giving us each hour His wisdom.
If we are patient we shall see
How the pieces fit together in harmony.
We'll know who we are in this big universe
And then we'll live with Him forever.
But until it happens...
Line upon line, precept on precept.
That is how he lifts us, that is how he teaches his children.
Line upon line, precept on precept.
Like a summer shower giving us each hour His wisdom
It is just crazy how I have heard and sung this simple little song a million times in my life and yet
this past week as I have thought on those words its has been like I am hearing them for the very first time....I've decided that is because those words have gone from being just lyrics to a fun song from a feel good play... to becoming serious doctrine that has been tenderly, intimately, patiently and personally tutored and lovingly woven into my heart to the point that now the message brings me increased power of patience in the Lord's will but even more so in the Lord's timing! I have ALWAYS been the kind of spirit that will put the work in but I want the results, blessings, benefits IMMEDIATELY, FAST, NOW, NOW , NOW!!! Strangely and obviously very "taken for grantedly" (i know thats not a real word :) I feel I have received so many desired result relatively quickly throughout my mortal infancy (of which I am including all of my 1-46 years thus far)
More recently, this has not necessarily been the case... I've searched for and wanted certain blessings, answers, results immediately and my way and my timing!! ... What could be wrong with that?? I've been willing to search, ponder, fast, pray, put in the time and work and yet .... not only have not the desired answers and results come the way and time I wanted but- while waiting, it appeared as though another helping of complicating challenge was added to the heap of questions, concerns, confusions and the overall testing ground! SO WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON IN OUR LIFE????.... Well, I think the simple answer is that line upon line, precept on precept the Lord, like a summer shower, has been giving us each hour in all of his love and WISDOM opportunity for our family to strip away the layers of pride, selfishness, complacentcy, endulgency, independence ,laziness and "all is well enough" attitude that had distilled over time upon our family- and is line upon line, precept upon precept helping us replace such with daily gratitude for the very simple, more humble reliance upon the Lord not only for our eternal life but literally for daily mortal life, true empathy, hard work, powerful unity, faith, and living daily with more eternal eyes and perspective! This is how he has lifted us ( to a higher place) this is how He has taught us, His children, how to love more, give more, appreciate more, empathize more and just over all, become more!!! Although there is NO DOUBT that several prayers and pleadings have been responded to almost instantaneously, most of these such "spirt and character refinements" have not come quickly, fast or on demand whatsoever, but over the past several months, like over 7 plus months!!... I am just now finally starting to maybe understand the wisdom of some of that timing... It is beginning to make sense to me why several of these answers, concerns, blessings, results, etc. have not been dispersed in large, immediate doses, rather in simple, small, even droplet size, disbursements!... For if having come too quickly I believe we would have not continue to search as deep, work together as intimately, learned to wait more patiently and appreciate as powerfully all the daily droplets and "afternoon showers" that have certainly come!... and as those same lyrics have taught... if we are patient we SHALL SEE how those pieces fit together in HARMONY"! I most confidently can say and absolutely believe that we have started to find where those pieces are starting to fit and have begun to see the wisdom and feel the peaceful harmony that the Lord has mercifully attached to each piece that he HAS dispersed-- Now, I cannot honestly say that all the pieces have now fit together in harmony as of yet, so we will continue to submit to the Lord's will and timing ..... Until we finally and accurately and fully understand and KNOW WHO and WHOS WE ARE IN THIS BIG UNIVERSE and continue enduring to thee very end and then eventually reaping the ultimate reward as WE WILL LIVE WITH HIM and our eternal family FOREVER AND EVER...."BUT UNTIL THAT HAPPENS"... LINE UPON LINE UPON, LINE UPON LINE UPON, LINE UPON LINE.....UPON SACRED, LOVING, MERCIFUL LINE!!!!
Sure love you and appreciate you allowing me to disperse bits of my imperfect yet tender heart in this way and through this medium as a record and remembrance of precious lessons taught and learned as well as hopefully a way to unite all our heart a bit more together!!! Love to hear from any and all of you and the lessons and wisdoms that you have and are experiencing as well!
Now, I haven't included really any photos of Ronald's latest unexpected health challenges mostly for his privacy

above: 6 weeks ago above: YESTERDAY just following Ryker being
ordained to the office of a Teacher in the aaronic priesthood
by..... HIS DAD!!! one example of how these very hard
challenges has magnified every joy, and enlarged our
gratitude for such simple yet powerful pleasures like
having your dad/husband not only alive but mentally and
physically able to use the Lord's priesthood power to
ordain his son! I am embarrassed yet so humbled to admit
that I have NEVER felt more sincere gratitude for any
priesthood ordination let alone even father's blessing as
I did this time!!!.. so... something is working huh?? :-)
Hooray! Your mentioning songs that have been going through your head reminded me that there is a song that has been reminding me of you. It's a fun song, because you are a fun family! Here it is - from Alex Boye'. Love you!
Thank you for sharing your miracles with us. We've felt and seen the mighty hand of Heavenly Father on your family every step of these past several months.