SO.... Ronald has had some pretty rough days this week with a bit of a cranky temperature and
some vicious mucositis ( the painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes lining the mouth, throat and often times digestive tract, usually as an adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment for cancer.)but at this point appears to be staying pretty confined to his throat YEA!) His energy is pretty down and obviously not eating too great because of the throat ulcers as well but...........
Looks like a bright RESTORATION of some health and strength is beginning as his ANC has taken a huge jump to 500 and his platelets to 200!!!!... This is significant for a few reasons:
1. This is wonderful timing as this means his body is now regaining the function of fighting off this painful inflammation and doctors are thrilled that his levels are restoring earlier than expected and in time to hopefully not allow the mucositis to spread throughout his digestive tract!!!
2. This is a marvelous and strong sign that the bone marrow stem cells are engrafting
which is exactly what we have hoped for!!
So in Summary... Ronald has been truly living the principle that "Their must needs be that there is opposition in all things".. For Ronald...the great pain of mucositis yet the glorious joy of restoring priceless immune system to fight off the pain!! Thank you for your constant prayers, concern and unbelievable support and love!! OHHHH his feels it and truly, truly feels so grateful and magnified by it all !
For today just wanted to let you all know that the PRIESTHOOD RESTORATION SITE and VISITOR CENTER in Pennsylvania will be dedicated this Saturday!! Many of you may already know that our darling

I know for myself that the power and authority of God has been restored and given to man to serve and perform the Lord's purposes on the earth today. I know that is only in and through this power available through Jesus Christ. that Ronald is sustained and is capable of having his physical health restored at this time. It is only through this power that our family is united eternally through sacred covenants that we made with the Lord in His Holy temple, and because such, our love and relationship with our sweet son, Rylan, is not only alive and well, but we can also look forward to being reunited with him again!! .... and, it is only through the priesthood power of the Lord, that the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ has absolutely been restored on this earth and continues to allow us to progress and ultimately realize Eternal Life with our Father in Heaven! The priesthood power governed by our Savior IS REAL and has been restored to this earth, I bear personal testimony of this!
(just want to thank my Uncle David again for never forgetting to send these opportunity for laughter our way... every day... seems like a small thing but has meant more than he knows!! Sure love you David and Bonnie!)
Did you hear about the astronaut who stepped in chewing gum?
He got stuck in ORBIT
What do you call a musician with problems?